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THE BALANCER — “The Balancer shows us how to keep our lives balanced and in harmony. She encourages us to bring balance into all areas of our lives.”

So, this will be the last Forty Servants Daily Divination for now. WHY? Well, the whole point of doing them was to try to get the word out on the system and generate some interest from new people. However, the exact opposite has occurred — the daily posts have made already existent followers unfollow my posts, and so I have ended up with even less reach than I had before I started doing these posts.

However, there also has been a massive downturn in general in the interest and use of The Forty Servants the last 18 months or so. Even advertising them hasn't made any difference to views or sales,  so I am guessing that we are now over the peak with their popularity.

Perhaps this is more of a temporary tide turning than a permanent one, but either way It's still been a really great experience — I've been a very lucky and blessed boy — and it's not as if I'll ever stop using The Forty Servants anyway.




I understand and I know life is in a generally crazy place lately with changes and what not. I enjoyed the long run with the servants and will continue to think and meditate and work with them, thank you Tommie.