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The Desperate shows us that everything is currently as bad as it can get. He encourages us to recognise the hell we are in.

If  you are looking for the most negative Servant, then The Desperate is  it. When this Servant appears, it is a sign that you are going through  an intense period of depression, sadness or hopelessness. Things feel  about as bad as they possibly can be, and no end seems to be in sight.

You are feeling  frustrated, angry, and hopeless- all at the same time. Nothing matters,  no one cares, nothing ever works out, everything is pointless, and only  the end of physical life seems like an escape – and even that isn’t a  guarantee, as who knows if death is actually any better?

You have found  yourself in a hole that you probably won’t be able to get out of by  yourself. This is crisis time, and it must be taken seriously.

The Desperate suggests  that unless you make significant changes in the direction you are  headed, the future may become, or remain, quite bleak.

The Desperate is a  servant of inner emotional turmoil. Your outward life circumstances may  not appear to a casual onlooker to be anything that bad- it might even  look good- but inside your head, you are in hell, and there is no  escape.

The upside to this is  that events can’t get any worse. This is as low and terrible as it gets.  Life is cyclical, and nothing lasts forever. When you get to the other  side of this initiation, you will be all the better for it and a much  stronger person.

The function of The  Desperate is to be in desperation. This is what he knows; this is all he  experiences. You can give him all your distress, suffering, torment and  pain. Give him all your misery, anguish, sorrow and sadness, and let  him take it from you and use it to sustain himself. Let The Desperate  take on the burden of your hardships, for hardship is all that he knows.

Love and healing can  be sent to The Desperate as an embodiment of all the pain and suffering  in the world and throughout history. Offerings made to The Desperate  will aid all those enduring suffering and hardship.

The Desperate can be  banished; you can place the sigil on a stone and throw it into the sea,  or write the sigil on paper and burn or bury it.

Like The Depleted  Servant, The Desperate also lends itself easily to curse work. Sending  The Desperate to torture an enemy is very effective, but obviously, the  responsibility will be yours if things go too far. This is the worst  Servant of them all, the most horrible, the most vicious and the most  severe. Use only if necessary.

MORE INFO: https://www.adventuresinwoowoo.com/2016/11/the-desperate/



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