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"The  Father shows us tough love, guidance, and wisdom so that we can face  the challenges of life for ourselves. He encourages us to learn the  lessons for ourselves so that we handle future problems with greater  wisdom and insight."

When The Father appears, it means that someone in your life will  offer guidance and wisdom on dealing with your current issue or problem.  However, you may need to seek out such a person if none are at hand.

This Servant tells you that it is ok to look for help, guidance or to  rely on the wisdom of other more experienced people. Someday you may  know all the answers, but for the time being, it is wiser to ask someone  who will be able to steer you on the right path.

The Father loves you, his child, and only wants the best for you; but  he knows that sometimes tough love may be the best solution. The Father  card tells you that you may be about to hear or be obliged to do  something you don’t like, but that ultimately it is the correct and wise  thing to do.

The Father is full of love and will offer all the wisdom and insight  at his disposal. However, he wants you to be able to fend for yourself,  with his ultimate goal being that you are able to navigate this world on  your own. He believes that the best way to learn something is by doing  it or experiencing it for yourself.

Life has hardships and problems that we all must go through, and The  Father knows this. He wants you to be prepared for these and will stand  by your side, giving advice and wisdom as you do. He won’t protect you  from these experiences as he knows the growth and strength that comes  from overcoming our own battles and problems. The Father knows that the  only true way of learning to not put your hand in the fire is to  experience doing it once; no amount of advice can replace experience.

The Father is an exceptional Servant to use when you need guidance on  big life decisions such as: should I switch jobs? Is now a good time to  sell? What is the best way to deal with this issue or person?  How do I  learn to live without someone? Should I stay in this relationship? Is  this a good investment of my time or money? What’s my best next move?  The advice may not always be what you want to hear but deep down you  will know it is the right move.

A great Servant for any time when guidance, advice or wisdom is needed on real life issues.

MORE: https://www.adventuresinwoowoo.com/2016/12/the-father/




Wow, this card is perfect for me. Ty Tommy


🙏🏼 when I consider the different ways both my mother and father interacted with us kids as we were growing up, I can see how differently they were to their core. How much of what they did and said was a program and less about the do's and don'ts of parenting. I can see now how differently my husband is to the kids than I am and it's instinctual almost. 🌹