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Hello good people of the internet, I hope Monday is finding you well. I have some new and exciting news for you all!  Starting today, the AIWW Discord Server is undergoing a rebrand as it embarks on its next phase!

Over the last while on the Disocrd, I've made it no secret  that I have felt quite out of step with a lot of the conversations and ideas that get discussed on the server, and that I don’t feel that I resonate with the server’s prevailing vibe a lot of the time.

This came into sharp focus a couple of months back when I was chatting to another long-standing member who had just quit the server. They said something along the lines of "I'm having trouble fitting in. I just don't see eye to eye with people here anymore and It often seems to me that people aren't fully or even actually listening to what I am saying but are arguing something else at me. Those conversations tend to get me upset." 

My response was —"fuck, I feel the exact same way!" — and, I continued,  "if I was very honest about it, If the server wasn't mine I'd probably have left ages ago".

At the end of the day, my name and brand are on the door, so I am accountable for the content even when it’s not me saying it. If someone arrives into the server via my social media or patreon or whatever, the topics, themes, tones and conversations they find there will be deemed by them as being representative and resonate with my outlooks and opinions, and the general view of my body of work within AIWW. And a lot of the time they’re not.

The AIWW Discord has become a forum that no longer is centred around me or AIWW or the thoughts, beliefs and outlooks I have. And so I felt that I really had only three possible moves I could make.

1, Continue as is and feel a continued sense of frustration and stress.

2, Give everyone the middle finger and delete the whole thing. 

3, Honour what the server has become and try to foster that.

The third choice is the only choice because while I often don’t align with the views, I love the people involved. The group there are some of the best people I have ever met, and the group dynamic of friendship and openness is very rare in the online world and therefore is something that should be cherished.

And, I feel that once I remove myself and the AIWW brand as being the focus, I can become a more relaxed, less stressed member of the group.

It also means that the good people on the server, can talk and chat about whatever they want now without me stifling, controlling or hindering the conversation. The group can move more fully into a more natural and perfect expression of what it is.


The name of the Server is now THE PEARL. Why? I had a vision and I saw a man on a flaming pie, and he said “The new name of the server is The Pearl” and so it is.

All the artwork has changed to reflect the new name.

All the channels that were specific to me or AIWW have been removed.

I’ll remain as one of the Admins for now, but my long-term goal is to eventually remove myself from any admin capacity and just be a member of the group.

This is the new server description:

“The Pearl is a public server for those who wish to discuss their ideas about magick, awakening, mysticism, and the occult & spirituality in general. All ideas, conversations and views expressed are the property of their respective author and are not to be taken as reflective of the moderators or the group in general. The one rule the server has is: “Don’t be a dick” and so if you see someone being a dick please report it to the moderators.

And that’s that. I hope all that makes sense and my reasoning is clear. But if not, don’t think too much about it. It’s all me and not you and I just want the best for everyone involved.

If you want to join the server then here's the link: https://discord.gg/thepearl




Ooh this makes me inexplicably sad. I'm obviously not the most active member (which is probably why I've never seen any kind of argument) but I have very much enjoyed getting your perspective on things related to AIWW/podcasts etc. I hope you will stick around and find things less frustrating.


I'll still be around. No immediate plans to bail from the server or anything like that. Just a change of focus. Also, don't be sad. You'll see plenty of me here anyway!


If I can be honest without bloviating here, I'm going to try . I belong to many channels and servers on discord and to me it is like a playground with the adults sitting off to the side at picnic tables and all the juveniles are in the middle running amok . My kid is 17 and has been on discord for a couple of good years and the amount of social interaction he has been able to have. There is great, but having your account hacked and your PayPal account attacked, being locked out of your own account and theirs seems to never be anybody at the top to help regain control, that was my first sign that this is not a platform that I am going to become involved in deeply or comfortable in . In . Moving past all of that it's hard to navigate and the few times I had been over into the aiww discord server I found that space to be not so much hostile, but it just didn't feel welcoming. Facebook has just become a distant star for so many wonderful things these days, and patreons platform just seems to be willy-nilly and I don't see myself running around with a laptop the way I used to back in 2008 to do all of my interactions... So if these conglomerates don't keep up on their apps and allow them to be less dodgy than they are, it really is hard to make the connections in my opinion with people . Back in the day, YouTube and the community tabs and the comments really were the shit. The back and forth and the cohesiveness of individuals was something you could really feel, and let's not talk about scammers or bots. Now.. . I understand that things change and evolve, I guess it's just a falling away of the purity of way things used to be and it can allow you to feel a sense of loss and the prevailing sadness when you focus on it for too long . I hear what you're saying and I respect it and you you greatly. I'm hoping that at some point out there, sometime, that there will be a reasonable alternative or replacement the sticky and unkempt social platforms, including apps that just don't make sense of things and it seems they don't even try... . Try... . I suppose we're all moving into and more evolved and different reality and hopefully there will be good connections and open communication along the way. 🙏🏼🌹 I remember looking topics up on the internet many moons ago and I found adventures in woo. Woo. The topics that I could find on the website as I scrolled down into the archives, I was so relieved that there was information out there and I could just deep dive into any of it and I want to thank you for that. It's not like I was looking for direction. I was just looking for information from somebody or something to help me help me to expand my mind and open up and in you and that space I was able to find that. Much gratitude and love to you my brother! Onward and upward! 🕯️✨🙏🏼🌹


I think the real issue is that socila media gives the illuion of connection while what it actually delivers is separation. Also the emphais is on profit making not on user experince which really shows with things like scam, hacking etc being absouletly ignored by the majour players. Maybe something cool will come along that we can all use and enjoy. Hopefully it does.