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I was in Spain for the weekend and found this lovely Tyche / Fortuna statue in a cool shop on the marina. It was even on sale for 20% off so already brought a bit of good fortune.

Spain was lovely. My brain managed to switch off a bit and relax. The constant need to be productive and stressed seemed to disappear a few hours after we arrives. This was great because usually holidays stress the shit out of me rather than relax me.

Managed to go to my first Buddhist temple too, which was lovely, along with an amazing butterfly park, crocodile park and soul-enriching walks.

Came home to a raging storm which blew down an electricity pole into our garden which has left us with no power.

Probably some sort of analogy on that if I squint.




Hope the power comes back soon!


I know the feeling...vacations always stress me out too. Glad you got to relax a bit...sorry about the power nonsense!