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Have you interacted with your area's Genius Loci or local spirits? Has your community any interesting myths, legends or hauntings? [Photo: natalie kucken]




I live in an old convent. The cemetary is next door. There are many stories from residents. My favorite is from a neighbor who has a creche in a display cabinet and for a few months, a spirit kept moving the lamb figurine to the front and center instead of in the background off to the left. I heard a name called out one night and twirled around to see nothing and no one. Over the summer, I fed the hummingbirds and they flocked here. I had 4 feeders going at once and couldn't keep up. Neighbors said they've never seen that before. The birds are now gone and I have a humongous guardian spider keeping watch at the front gate. Either that or a small tarantula. BTW, I like spiders.


I am in contact with the land spirits where I live. I make offerings twice daily, once at sunrise and again around noon or so. I've had a relationship with them ever since I was a child. I don't know if they are my Ancestors or just spirits of the place.