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How significant can the impact of individual magic be on a world scale? If you feel it is negligible, how many magicians would be needed to affect the world stage?




I agree with Andrew. It is not for the masses or the world stage. I also subscribe to the Butterfly Effect. So. Two very caring people, powerful magicians go at the same issue from completely opposite goals - what then? :) Do you engage in magic because you love humanity and want to uplift all or do you engage it in to know that there is something beyond the veil or do you engage in it to meet God? Do you align with the demons or the angels or the stars or deities or all of it? What happens when after it is all said and done, your mass spell seems to have worked perfectly and you realize you are now meeting the trickster everywhere you go. He’s having a jolly good time and your solution isn't panning out the way you hoped it would. Do you look at yourself; at the group? Another answer is personal experience. Back to Lynne McTaggert - our group of eight met one day to do intentions for another person in the group. That person had an extreme ant invasion in their home. It was agreed that we would intend for the ants to be gone immediately and no one, human or ant, be harmed. :) It failed miserably. The result was more ants than before and the ants met with the final solution (trapped in borox). We decided to share our meditation and visions about it. Some saw the ants washed away in rains and flood; one saw the ants bussed out to a new neighborhood; one saw the ants pop out of existence; one saw the home wrapped in salt and coffee and cinnamon and no ants in sight; and finally one focused on the ants surviving. She could not allow herself to envision harm coming to ants so she just wished them peace and wished the homeowner peace - living in harmony. Her intention backfired? Or did it? Ants now gone, maybe at peace. Homeowner finally at peace. Anyway, good question. :)


Just noting that this is the second time today that Lynne McTaggert was mentioned to me :)


I feel like every act of magick is a contribution to the changing of the world. I have definitely felt the impact of group ritual on a large scale (e.g. some post-911 workings for peace, which seemed to help to bring peace to a number of individuals, if not the world) If I try to do the math in my head about what happens when we’re at odds as to how to change the world, I get a strong urge to wander off and watch Star Trek. So I guess I’m not ready to figure that one out yet. LOL