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Can physical items have magical qualities in and of themselves, or are all physical "magical " items merely tools to help focus and amplify the consciousness/will of the practitioner? Maybe you feel it's a combination of physical and consciousness that makes the magic work?

Bonus question: If a physical item had an innate magical power, could an Ai use it to successfully do magick? If not, why not?




Hmm this is a difficult one, I like it. I think that objects can have an inherent magickal energy to them, but it's more common that they had energy put into them, (ie during their creation or from a previous owner) Having said that I also think there's a "pull" to altar items though I'm still not sure whether its physical or mental. As far as the bonus question, no I don't think so. Mostly because I believe that a connection of energies is necessary in order to perform rituals.


In my experience, there are some people who are REALLY GOOD at infusing their energy (or a chosen energy) into a thing. Sometimes for protection, sometimes for a different working. I don’t think everyone is equally good at it. I feel like I have SOME ability here, and I can ‘feel’ energies other people have left in stuff, but I don’t think I’ve ever encountered something pre-charged that would “work” on its own without my own “skill” (loosely defined) to make it happen. I think some skilled folks can “pre-charge” stuff that can amplify the work of someone with their own skill. I am not sure I have ever encountered a singularly Magick Item that is all magick on its own no matter who picks it up. Also not sure I want to. :D