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THE FATHER - "The Father shows us tough love, guidance, and wisdom so that we can face the challenges of life for ourselves. He encourages us to learn the lessons for ourselves so that we handle future problems with greater wisdom and insight."




Sounds about right. Our fathers/men have such a different way of dealing with kids/children/life than moms/women do. I suppose when looking at things today perhaps it's more about getting out there today and doing things and get the experience of it, even if it means we make a mistake. This is my take away anyways... No hiding today, just do it. Thank you to The Father for this reminder today. 🙏🏼💙


Thank you, Michelle. I notice my husband is kind and affection with our children…and is stern with his directives or recommendations. I, on the other hand, am affectionate but when I request something, for their best interest, I look into their little faces and my heart melts and I give in. I hardly ever stand strong and so I experience tantrums in the market and in other public places. I must learn the way of the father and become more balanced.