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Following on a bit from yesterday's question about the necessity of initiations - what are your thoughts on spiritual "Attunements" such as those given in Reiki and other energy systems, but also the various magick attunements people offer to connect or attune you with deities, spirits and other entities?




I just don’t believe in them. I think Reiki is such horse shite, I just don’t get it nor believe in it, at least not the pyramid scheme it is today. I don’t think attunements work because there is no set tone nor set place that is a universal place where all things or all people begin. I don’t believe that humans are like guitars, they need to be tuned to be played, they are more like the trees that the guitars were made from, the sound was already there in the wood. Even two guitars made at the shop by the same luthier for the same brand with same parts will have completely different feels, adjust them and tune them the same all you want. My 2.5 cents.


Before reiki, I think the only other thing close to it in my reality was the laying out of hands in church. And whether that would be for a healing or in supporting someone with their prayers and supplications, and to me, this always made sense . Once I started furthering my studies beyond the religion that I was brought up in, I think it's just like anything else in life. You just need to be smart about who you interact with, who you allow to lay hands on you . My personal experience, when I was getting ready for my attunement, the night before. Very vivid vision of four symbols glowing. They were gold and they were so bright. They were almost white... Then they were off to my right hand side and it's like they were waiting for me. If that makes sense, I still don't understand it myself except for the fact that when you would tune in the symbols/ sigils are given to you. You it's for working and whether it was my personal anticipation or something in the ether that allowed me to see through that veil, that's what I saw . No during my attunement as well as whenever I receive reiki. I always have very colorful and interactive visions during the session and it's the swirling of colors and shapes and symbols and people and I stay connected just enough to see what's going on but disconnected so that I can still receive what I'm doing and not focus too much on what I'm experiencing. Know that when I went to the reiki Master for the first time she was blown away when I was explaining to her my experience, because the details that I was sharing with her. It took me just as long as my session was just to explain everything that was going on, and she was completely flabbergasted . When we were going through our studies for the second level, I remember her saying to me. I feel so inadequate doing this with you and for you, because every time we talk and you share something with me she said I almost feel like you're the master and I'm the student and I just told her I'm trusting the process and I trust you and you are adequate to pass along everything that you are and that you have an understand , and working with me . I think there's always the human element and I think as long as we approach things with love and gratitude and maybe even with wonder, that many things many new things can come to us as a gift, we only need to accept it. Just as a final note, one thing that my aunt said to me before getting involved with reiki, as she introduced me to it, is that I was already praying for the sick and the broken and I had experienced many miracles through supplication in prayer; and reiki was just another level with which to reach people . I think when we are dealing with different types of people in our life, there are those that readily accept reiki or energy work, spells or incantations, and then there are those that will never understand that. But when you say you will pray for them they will readily accept . I think the different forms of energy work/ magic/ healing modalities that are out there are there just to enhance and assist us along this path.


I had somewhat of a similar experience. After my final Reiki attuenment the Reiki teacher told me I had been the one who had initiated her in her previous life. Not sure if I believe that, or even if it matters, I guess.