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its POSITIVE FRIDAY again! Share with us some of the things that are going good in your life. Big or small, it all counts! What good news did you hear about this week? What good events happened in your own life? What are you grateful for? What art did you make? What magick did you do?




Today, September 22nd, we took my mother to the ophthalmologist again for a new appointment, and finally, his cataract surgery will be performed in the month of his birthday! Gratitude to The Holy Server and the whole group for the unity!


One of my former students who took my Occult Lit class, he’s a film major, and he just got green lighted to start his senior film. He’s doing a movie on John Dee because of the influence if my class. He asked me to be the Occult Consultant for the film. I’ll get a movie credit! So love my students. They keep me going.