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Today's question: "What was the best thing you’ve ever manifested, and what did you do in order to manifest it?"




I can't compete with that ^ - most recent - made the trek across the US recently - FL to New Mexico. I manifested the perfect apartment (after waiting a year for the right one). Manifested a moving company that delivered my furniture on the day I arrived (which was highly improbable); the moving crew was outstanding - led by Vishnu.


I agree the kiddos are the best thing. Manifested! Aside from that, my niece was really upset about an upcoming hearing with the courts and her lawyer called her the morning of and said that he would not be able to go and she had to go alone... We talked and I went with her and she was freaking out the whole time that we were driving to the courthouse, and I kept telling her it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay and I just put out there into the universe that everything would be fine for her, and it was. 3 minutes before the hearing was supposed to start we were all sitting in the hallways, her ex was with his council and my niece and I were sitting together, and the power goes out. Out. All the emergency lights come on the deputies all step out into the hallway and let everybody know that things cannot proceed today because of the obvious power outage, and that things would have to be rescheduled . There were contractors in the building and apparently one of them was working in the walls and cut straight through wiring and the whole building went black. I was elated inside for her, less about what happened and more that it just happened for her. And she was in utter shock . I told her that she witnessed a miracle that happened on her behalf and I think it changed her whole perspective on everything. Magical in life, worries, etc . She was able to talk to her ex about child support and visitation, but it was on her terms not his and the lawyers, and that made all the difference . It was a wonderful day for me and one that I will never forget, and I'm sure it's right up there at the top for her too!