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I post a new question most weekdays on various social media places such as the AIWW DISCORD - https://discord.gg/aiww , Facebook, Insta, Twitter etc and so I thought I might post them here too to see if it's something that might foster some more community interaction here on Patreon.

"In your opinion and experience, do modern interpretations of ancient rituals dilute their original power or meaning?"




Hi I was just thinking that myself on why there are so few comments especially for you QOTD. I wanted to comment but I couldn’t figure out How to comment on today’s QOTD…. Therefore I saw a comment on this post and looked at it. Feel like an idiot but shouldn’t we be able to click on comment and be able to write something ? Thanks ahead of time for any help. I really feel like the QOTD are a great conversation starter or even great for journaling - so thank you! I appreciate them 👍🏻


I think some of the issue is that the Patreon phone app is so terrible. To comment you have to click on a speech buble icon in order to comment rather than just having a visual comment box. If there already is a comment its much easier to comment - so maybe I should leave a comment myself to get things going.


Honestly, I think unless you are in a coven and following instructions to the letter, I think everyone is interpreting things all the time, from where they're coming from in my opinion. Does it change the outcome? I certainly think so... But isn't that part of the journey?!