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Ok, Good People of Patreon, are any of you up for a group challenge?

This is magick that Gordon White stole from William Bengston - we're stealing it back!

  1. Find 4 to 9 Images that represent things you want in your life. These can be material things, emotions, experiences or whatever. If you want "freedom", find an image of someone with their arms outstretched running down a beach or whatever. Just an image that, when you look at it, you know exactly what it represents. Targets should be a mix of short, medium and long-term goals.
  2. Use a "robofish" image. Basically, add an image of something that is definitely going to happen - like meeting a friend or going to the cinema to see a particular movie. Use something unique but sure to happen. This "robofish" kickstarts all the other targets
  3. Make a new Google Slides document or PowerPoint presentation and put each of these images on their own slide.
  4. Look at them often - flick through them slowly, flick through them fast until you can flick through them easily and quickly in your mind.
  5. As often as you remember, flick through these images in your mind as fast as possible. You eventually want them to be going by in a blur.
  6. Go back to your Slide document every day and focus in on the images. Then repeat step 5
  7. Do this for 30 days and report back if you got any of your targets or if there was any movement towards them.

As an added extra, you can make a fast animation out of your slides and put that on a screen somewhere peripheral to you as you work, read or whatever. Put it somewhere that it's present but not a focus. the aim is to forget it's there, but you shouldn't hide it. Do this in your own time, but if you want to do it as a group challenge, then we should take today and tomorrow to gather our target images and start the actual process on Friday. The 30 days would then end on 19th August 2023.   

Put any questions, concerns, results, insults, ideas etc in the comments below! There is a channel on the AIWW Discord and a thread over on CMG for this, also. But feel free to just use this post too. I'll make another post at the end to check to see how it all went for you.

AIWW DISCORD: https://discord.gg/aiww
CMG THREAD: https://www.facebook.com/groups/chaosmagic/posts/6457362147705125/
