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So, it's time for the July Patreon Divinations again! You ask your concise and not too personal question, and I draw a card and say what I think it means regarding your question.  Yes or No type questions will get a Yes or a No type answer  :) I will be recording the video on Tuesday 4th July so please get your questions in by Wednesday evening.




Hi Tommie. I've been struggling for 3 years now with grief, loneliness and financial struggles. With loads of therapy and self work, I have shaken out all of the shadows and bettered myself immensely. So now I'm like, "Okay, Universe, when is something really *good* going to happen for me?" Doing all this work on my inner world hasn't seemed to change what comes to me from the outside world. Do the Servants see anything new coming my way this month that's a *good* change from this dreary, stagnant rut I've been in? Thanks!


What should my focus be this month?


What should I focus on this month?


I have been there and still am there sometimes. Now, for me it’s a decision to have a good time and a good life. I can enjoy the drama of life and the universe shifts along my intend. It’s more about accepting the things that happen now and letting go of all the baggage that I think that come with the drama. That frees me and I can go more into the directions I chose and the universe follows and enforces that. It’s a bit hard to explain and easier said than done. I guess it’s the philosophy of the Tao: WuWei. But we will see what the forty servants will say. I hope I could help, otherwise: never mind.


Hi Tommie! I’m wondering who can help me win my grievance hearing at the end of this month?


Thank you for doing these Tommie, you're the best! Anyway, how should I deal with my lackadaisical attitude towards life?


How can I be of service to others this month?


It's not so much that I haven't decided go have a good life, but rather nothing is happening. I work from home and am alone 24/7 except seeing my friends about every 2 weeks. That makes it hard to not grieve my husband. I hate living alone, as well. I've been ready for awhile to meet someone new, go out and do more things, plus I need new opportunities to make money. But shit is just...STAGNANT. And has been for so long. Does that make more sense?


Thanks Tommie! Why have been feeling disconnected as of late?


Which archetype should I focus on this month in my financial manifestation endeavours?


Thanks as always Tommie, I was wondering if my friend Molly is actually going to be a life long friend; or if we were just meant to meet and only be in each other's life for the short time we talked and not any longer? I appreciate any insight.


What should I be focusing on this month? Thanks!


What will be the best way to keep my game engaging as a Dungeon Master?


Hi Tommie, I have gone for many years now without a partner. Its a feature in my life that remains unresolved. Will I continue on alone or will there yet be a partner for me? Thank you.


What should I ask this month?


what magical work should I concentrate on this month?


Is there a solution to my problem that I can act upon, and if so, where do I start? (I *think* this can be answered with one card) :) thank you!


Hi Tommie is there a servant that can help me get over myself? I feel stagnant in my life right now despite potentially beautiful things unfolding for me, thanks very much!.


Is there something blocking the last working I've done, if so what, or do I just need to be patient? Thank you! :)


I am visiting Eire (Dublin & mostly Cork) for a few days this week (Sat-Thurs). What advice do the Servants have for this American? (I will invoke the Road Opener, of course.)


Thank you, Tommy. Which servitor should I focus on this month for a great result, please?