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The Thinker shows us how to solve problems using our analytical and rational minds. He encourages us to always go with what is logically correct rather than relying on what our hearts may be saying.

Text description from the Second Edition of the Grimoire of The Forty Servants: "The problem you face will be best solved using reason and deduction. The Thinker is a sign that you need to put aside any emotional feelings or needs you have for the time being and instead try to focus on rational and intellectual thoughts.

There is a time to feel your way through life, and there is a time to really think things through, and The Thinker instructs you that now is a time to think rather than intuit.  What is the most rational way out of the problem? What will be best long-term, even if it feels bad in the short term? What is the clever move here? What is the most intelligent next step?

The Thinker wants you to think everything through rather than act on impulse or emotion.  The right solution may not be the answer you want to hear, but it is the most logical and the one that should bring you the best long-term results. The Thinker requires you to not be fooled by your emotions but instead to really think about the wisest path to take.

The Thinker Servant can be used for problem-solving using logic or when a decision needs to be made, but the process is being clouded by your emotions.  The Thinker can help you realise what the best and most astute way forward is.

You can invoke The Thinker when emotions are running high, and a calm, logical mind is needed. The sigil placed in the air in front of you, either mentally or physically, can aid in cutting down the high emotions of a situation or event and allow you to see what is in front of you rationally and intellectually."

MORE INFO ON THE THINKER HERE: https://wp.me/p75qU6-te




Right in time ! Was thinking of something! 🙏🏻😇