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The Planet shows us our place in creation. It encourages us to remember just how immense and awe inspiring the universe is.


Text description from the Second Edition of the Grimoire of The Forty Servants: "The Planet suggests that you try to view life in the cosmic sense for a moment and try to see the vast tapestry and wonder of creation. The Planet asks you to ponder what it is all about.

The Planet moves ‘round the universe in a precise orbit and trajectory. It reminds you of the patterns of life and the different seasons that they must go through. The universe is a vast and ancient place and has experienced more than humans could possibly imagine. You must remember that you are as much a part of creation as the planets, the solar systems, the suns, and the galaxies. You are a child of the stars, and you should try to remember that when life seems not worth living or worth the effort.

However, if you are starting to take yourself too seriously or feel that you are of immense importance to the universe or humanity as a whole, then The Planet arrives to remind you that your life, while part of the great whole, is just a tiny, tiny fraction of it and no matter what you do or achieve it doesn't really compare to anything on the grand scale of things. The Planet reminds you to be aware of your individual insignificance and to stop claiming to be more than you actually are.

The Planet wants you to be aware of what you have captured in your own atmosphere and gravitational pull.  Is everything in your personal orbit helpful and valuable, or have you surrounded yourself with junk or negativity? Extra note should be taken of this idea if The Planet appears with The Monk.

The Planet is an extremely useful Servant in rituals where you need to feel extremely big and powerful or where massive results are required.  The Planet is the Servant of manifesting as The Planet's gravity can pull anything that is needed to it. But always keep in mind just how easy it is to clutter up the atmosphere with useless stuff.

The Planet can be used in banishing rituals to clear your orbit of useless debris and junk that you have accumulated over the years. Very useful in all banishing type rituals.

The Planet can also be used to see the patterns and seasons of life. Invoke the Planet to see the orbits and patterns that the operator is spinning around in. If you find that you are just repeating patterns over and over again, use The Planet to break the cycle.

MORE INFO ON THE PLANET HERE: https://wp.me/p75qU6-sE



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