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The Media shows us how to get the word out about things that are important to us. It encourages us to always remember the power of propaganda – both good and bad.


Text description from the Second Edition of the Grimoire of The Forty Servants:

"When The Media appears, it is a warning that everything is not as it seems. You are being fed a story that isn't the whole truth or has been spun to make one side look more favourable than the other.

The story that is being presented has been designed to create a particular reaction or response. This version of the truth may be given to fool you, or it may be that someone is trying to spare your feelings about something. Either way, the whole truth is not being told. Things are probably not as they seem. There is a level of spin, lies, manipulation and fraud happening. The story isn’t an outright lie or falsehood however, some elements are in fact the truth. It has just been presented in a way that distorts the whole reality of the situation.

The Media may also suggest that you are being influenced by outside forces to think or believe a certain way, and it is up to you to try to work out the absolute truth of the situation. The world around you may not be exactly as you think. The Media calls for you to make your own judgements about events and not rely so heavily on other people's opinions and life views.

In a reading, The Media can sometimes suggest that someone is slandering or spreading gossip or lies about you. Also, very much a reminder that you shouldn't believe everything you hear read or see on the internet, in newspapers, or TV.

The Media represents propaganda and half-truths, whereas The Moon would suggest outright lies and falsehoods.

The Media can help you see the truth of a situation, distinguish the spin from the reality, or get a better feel or read of a situation or event.

The Media is also valuable for propaganda and self-promotion, to help gain publicity or in “getting the word out”.  The Media can be instrumental in getting a good image of you or your product presented to the world. It can also help restore your good name after a period of it being tarnished. Highly effective in generating a buzz around a new project or product and generally making the public see you in a good light.

In curse work, The Media is a handy aid to destroy an enemy's good name or public reputation."

MORE ABOUT THE MEDIA HERE: https://wp.me/p75qU6-sc
