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The Devil shows us the beliefs we hold that restrict us and keep us from true freedom. He encourages us to realise that we have placed these bindings ourselves and can break free whenever we want.


"The Devil Servant knows that something you believe about life or yourself is blocking you from getting what you want. The Devil tells you that you needlessly restrict yourself because of some rule or “truth” you have decided to live by or believe.

When this Servant appears, it is a reminder to look at what beliefs or rules you have around your current situation or problem and judge whether they are helpful or not. The chances are that deep down, you don't really believe these self-imposed rules to be valid, but you follow them out of a sense of duty or simply because you always just thought that way.

You have many rules about how you should behave or act, what is acceptable and what isn't, and even what you are allowed to enjoy and what you shouldn't enjoy. All your life, you have been told that some things are “wrong” or “sinful”, but have you ever really stopped to think if you actually agree with these rules?

The Devil tells you that it is only you making up these rules- there isn't an ultimate and true morality, just your opinions on the nature of good and evil. The Devil calls for you to let go of guilt and allow yourselves to do and behave the way you feel is right, not what you may have been told is correct.

When you find yourself acting on a restricting belief that you no longer want, visualize The Devil’s sigil pushing this belief away from your body and far away from you.

If you are unsure of what limiting beliefs you may have that are holding you back, The Devil can be asked to show you them. Events and circumstances will appear in your life such that these beliefs and rules come to the surface for you to observe. Once you recognise them you can begin to work past them and then release them.

In attack magick, the Devil can be used to bind someone to continue deeper and deeper in their own folly. If you observe that an opponent is doing harm to you, or something you are involved with, due to their personal beliefs and rules, you can send The Devil to push them further into this limiting mindset, bringing it front and center in their lives. This usually leads to the target fully overcoming their need for these restrictions and seeing their folly. But sometimes they become totally engulfed and further immersed in their belief systems, destroying themselves in the process."

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE DEVIL HERE: https://wp.me/p75qU6-qt
