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The Dead shows us our connection to our Ancestors and humanity’s past.
She encourages us to learn from the past so that we don’t make the same
mistakes over and over.

This Servant is all about the lessons learned from history – your own personal account and our collective human history. The Dead suggests that you should heed the lessons, warnings, and advice from those who have gone before you. She reminds you that there is a vast amount of wisdom available to you from the experiences of the world's entire population, including all who have long since died.

The Dead asks you to reflect on your past experiences so that you don't make the same mistakes again. For instance, are you making the same mistakes in this relationship as your previous ones? Are you ignoring the experiences of those who have gone before you and think that you know better? Are you dismissing an old-fashioned idea or method simply because it is old? Are you ignoring messages and teachings of deceased friends, relatives or people of note?

The Dead can be used for general ancestor work. An offering to The Dead is an offering to your ancestors and the Mighty Dead, and you should thank them for all they have done. Remember, you would not exist if it weren’t for all those who came before you.

If someone close to you passes, you can ask The Dead to help bring them safely to the other side and look after them as they make their way into the next stage of their existence.

You can ask The Dead to carry any messages to the deceased.

The Dead Servant can also be used to connect to any part of the past, such as family history, personal history or even the history of the area you live in.

The Dead is an exceptional Servant to use for emotional healing. If there are parts of your past that need healing, you can ask The Dead to assist you to send love or comfort to a time in your life when you needed it most. The Dead can help to reconnect with parts of you that you thought were long gone or even dead.

Old hatreds or arguments with dead friends or relatives can be appeased or mended by using The Dead Servant as a conduit between the parties.

The Dead can be asked for general guidance on all matters. She is hugely knowledgeable as she has access to the entire history of human thought and deed.
