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I've been trying to drum up a bit more attention for the Forty Servants on social media recently and I decided that I would post some combined images of the Servants and their descriptions along with the usual links. I think it looks suitably socialy-mediay enough to maybe gets some views - but its hard to know. Going "viral" on Social media these days seems to be a lot about how much money you spend. If you have any ideas for social media posts let me know. I'm all ears!

Anyway, I thought I post it here too as it gave me a chance to say hi to you all!


THE ADVENTURER shows us how to have adventure and excitement. She encourages us to break out of our comfort zones by trying new things out there in the physical world.


"This Servant represents physically doing new things. Travelling to new places, joining in new activities and doing exciting new things. It represents the need or desire to extend yourself and have new adventures out in the physical world.

Are you feeling bored with your life or in a rut? Does nothing ever change for you? Are you having the same conversations with the same people about the same topics? Do you long for excitement and adventure and a release from the boring prison of mundane life?

It is easy to forget that human lives are predominately lived in the tiny bubbles of family, places of work or social groups, and you must remind yourself that there is a vast world out there external to you that you can explore.

When this Servant appears, it shows you require something new and wonderful to happen in your life. You have become stuck in a rut, and life has become dull and stale. Plan an exciting trip, do something you typically wouldn't do, or become more spontaneous - adventure awaits! Break out of your well-worn patterns and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

It can also denote travel, journeys, parties, and exciting occasions.

You can invoke the help of The Adventurer when you need some excitement or adventure in your life. This is a great Servant to use if you feel bored and want something exciting to happen. But you should be careful what you wish for; interesting and exciting times often come with new challenges.

Banish this Servant if life (or a person) is getting too exciting or too high energy, or is getting out of control - an overload of The Adventurer energy can lead some to become quite mercurial in nature and have an inability to sit still or relax.

It can also make certain parties and gatherings, holidays, or outings more fun, exciting and successful."






I love it!! But to be fair, I'm the last person you want to ask about how to make something go viral on social media...