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In this episode we use AI to write an episode of TaSTA. It's truly amazing.

We also talk about the Ghost of Bad News,
Dave Navarro leaves Jane's Addiction and Larry Mullen Jr. leaves U2,
Making content when you have nothing to say,
What's our thoughts on AI,
The Artist Basic Income in Ireland,
The book of Genesis in the style of a drunk Dubliner,
Photography's influence on painting,
Spud's latest mystical vision,
Should you talk about spiritual experiences?
The Chosen one vs Spiritual Imposter Syndrome,
Speaking the truth / being honest in the moment,
How to measure Awakening experiences using DIY tools,
The maniuplation in some spiritual teachings,
The Forty Servanst Neophyte Edition,
& John O'Donohue.

TRIGGER WARNING: Joke relating to suicide towards the end.

Big Thanks to Jason: https://alampintheunderworld.com/

Spud's vision: https://www.spudmurphy.net/vajrapani-the-protector-and-guide-of-gautama-buddha/

FIND SPUD HERE: https://www.spudmurphy.net/
FIND TOMMIE HERE: https://www.adventuresinwoowoo.com/
