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Current thoughts on what I think Magick is.



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Hey Tommie, So, this video resonated with me. I've been feeling lost and very much stagnant lately, and this gives me a little boost of positivity. Out pathways and background studies are very similar, and I'm working on finding my own definitions of things and NOT looking to anyone for approval anymore (only took me 54 years to get here, heh.) Thanks for this, I really needed it.


Glad it resonated with you, George. May your future be so bright that you gotta wear shades!


You're right, it's not "separation". Maybe the word you were looking for was "distinction"?... Anyway, perhaps things are not "going away" or going to hell. Perhaps it is just a lot of things that need to be seen are coming to light. As they come to light, they change because we can now observe them...and that gives us MORE possibilities and opportunities. I appreciate your thoughts. Very evocative and certainly much food for thought. Thank you! One more thing, maybe magick is about the Mystery. Maybe the "truth" is that all of this IS the mystery. And, it is in that mystery that all potential issues forth. I think we have a hard time with mystery; we want to solve, it, control it, resolve it. But, if we did, then all would be known and that implies a finite universe. Magick is about becoming comfortable with the Mystery, with mystery itself, with the unknown, with potential and working with that. It is a process, not a destination (so cliche, but true). Anyway, that's my thought on the matter. It is not about overcoming. Perhaps it is more like AIkido, and harmonizing and being flexible enough to work with the mystery. By the way, from my perspective, you seem really to be coming into your own, owning yourself moreso than in the past, really touching and expressing your creativity and abilities. So, maybe you feel this has been a low mental health year, but really you are just getting closer to actualizing your self, which compared to your past self(selves), may feel very unusual and foreign...like putting on new clothes after wearing rags for so long (so to speak).