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So, I assume you did guess what deck it is. This will take a fair while to complete, at least A year I suspect, but in the end it will be nice to have my very own WAITE/SMITH/BOTA style Tarot Deck but with my own style and aesthetics.

As usual, I'll put all the process updates here on Patreon as it happens!




I'm so excited for this. You will get so much out of this experience as well I'm sure. What an excellent idea.


I did not see this coming. Good luck!


Wow! What a project and what a journey. Might be too soon, or too impertinent, to ask but is the idea that this will go through Game Crafter again or are you tempted to see if one of the big boy tarot publishers might be tempted to pick this up? Either way I shall follow your progress with interest (and pick up a pack when you're done.)


Ok damn I am really excited for this <3


Very exciting news!


Awesome. Will probably end up turning into a hypersigil for you ;)