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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it. Here's my Number 17 - TAN!


So, when the governors were being called, I could see that Arch that I seen last week only instead of the Rune, it has a moon, a crescent moon. And it's a waxing moon. The Arch is very silver. It's glowing in the night, and there are trees or something behind it that are completely silhouetted.

And it's like I'm holding a flashlight or that the Arch itself is giving off light, but I can see into a field behind it, and there seems to be, again, a scarecrow. But it's old. It hasn't aged well; it's falling apart. Its head is gone, it's on the ground, and you can just see the cross underneath it. It looks exactly like it's made out of two brush poles. The [sticks that make up the cross are] quite smoothly ended and rounded.

So, it's like looking into the field as if you have the headlights of a car behind you. The light is along the grass at the bottom, and you can't really see past the horizon. It's all dark, but there's a vague outline of a dip in the field going down.

It appears this is somewhat the same field I've been in before but at a different time. The Arch is different, so perhaps not.

I'm just going to keep walking into the field. As I could downhill, or the depth, the light goes away, but my eyes adjust more to the dark. It's a big rectangular field surrounded by trees. Lots of trees.

There's a huge big tractor tire in the middle of the field - like huge. Like it's too big. I kind put my hand on it. It's quite rough. There's a sense that it's going to be used for like a fire, or a bonfire for some sort of festival, dance, celebration or ritual or something. And this is the beginning of collecting wood or collecting fuel for that fire.

I notice that (I assume) the Horned God is coming out from the trees, but he's completely in white. He's usually in black. And he has an animal skull face, but the whole thing is in white. He has a staff, and the staff is like a Trident only with two bits, but they're bent forward. It's a bit like a rake with only two prongs.

I start walking toward him, and he walks into the forest.

It's getting a bit fast now. Walking through the forest, he's holding my hand. He's become a bit more human. He's like a young man, but I still can't see his face properly. It's just I can see the white of his clothes and a bit of his hand.

It's kind of a feeling of he's a Knight. He's got some sort of armor on.He's fighting a Dragon. The dragon is [covered in places with] I suppose armor, but it's not. It's like he's been replaced with metal in places, like not very technically advanced, not like a cyborg dragon. It's just bits of them have been mended with metal.

And the Knight guy has a shield and a sword. The Dragon is huge. They stop and are looking at each other. The warrior of looking straight up, the Dragon spreads out its wings, it is huge!

The warrior kind of drops a sword and shield just goes limp, and falls down flat. I assume dead. The dragon flies off and I go over to the body. I turn it over and it's already [decomposed into] a skull, and skeleton. There's rotten flesh on it, but it's old, and his clothes deflate.

But his hand is pointing. His skeleton hand is up, and it's pointing. So, I walk in that direction, but I take a sword. I take a shield. I notice that the sword is in my left hand and the shield in my right. Which is the opposite of what he [The Knight] was doing.

I'm surrounded by indigenous - people of the forest, and they're all just standing there looking at me. With the tribal clothes, with spears.

[It seems to me that] the idea is this is a cliche. This is what you would expect to be here, and that's why it's here.

But, there's really only one of them.

And there's an upside-down bird - everything's upside down! There's a sick man in the bed and there's a woman looking after him. And then random shapes.

And the sun setting, but it's a man's face that's setting [a side profile of a shadowed face covering from the right] over the sun and the horizon, and then there are lots of babies floating around.

And I said that this is not the case. That this is a lie.

And there's someone walking towards me, some very old…

The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. I'm getting shivers. It's very odd. There's a hum in my ears. My entire body has changed. It's like it's electrified.

and he just says "Beware, and be aware!"

And it's moving away from me.


Yeah, that's it.

That was fucking intense.



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