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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it.

Here's my Number 18 - ZEN!


So, as usual, it kind of started as you were talking there. A couple of things to catch up with. There's a corn field with a rectangular or square clearing, and there's a huge oversized tractor or bulldozer with a huge flood light coming off it, but it's too big. I can see myself, and I can, I can see my hands, so I know that it's oversized -It's too big.

And then there was a woman with a veil over her head, and you could see through the veil because of this light. And she was holding flowers. There was an idea of it being like she was a bride, but it's not quite that, in that she's not wearing a wedding dress or something -It's not a wedding! But there's something about the Veil - the white Veil, the see-through, and the flowers.

And then it backed up out of the field. And at the entrance into the field was an iron arch with two lines. And in the middle of the iron arch at the top was the Rune Mannaz, that kind of "M" thing. And there is other writing, but I can't make it out. But that's the most important bit of it.

And I  step back from that. And the girl, or the woman with the white sheet cloth over her face - It's kind of illuminated from within. So, you can kind of see her face, but you can't. I can't really work out what else she's wearing. And she's wearing white, and she has these flowers.

They're like wildflowers, very rustic. Not a beautiful bouquet of flowers, but more Flowers she's picked up or natural flowers that have been growing in the wild rather than cultivated.

And she's pointing down to a further part of the field. The field I am in now is a much larger, rectangle cut out of the corn (or whatever the crop is), and it's going down a hill toward a forest.

And underneath my feet is like a Crop circle. It's not been cut, it's been flattened down, but there is a sense that a machine did this.

I thank her, and I just walk down. It's nighttime but there's obviously a lot of moonlight acting like a floodlight.

And there's a scarecrow with a pumpkin head and a bird - a raven or a blackbird sitting on its head.

I'm walking down towards the forest. But it seems as I walk that there's that illusion of it [equally] getting further away from me.

So, I just sit down in the field and then the perspective of the camera is going around me anti-clockwise. I seem to be smoking an old-fashioned clay pipe, but I'm not actually smoking. I'm just pretending to smoke. There's no smoke coming out. It's not lit.

I'm wearing a black cloth suit, old-fashioned like the Amish type of material.

I stand up.

I'm wearing a top hat, but again it's too big. The top half of it is too long, but it fits my head, and I pull it down [in front of me]. I look into it, and there's a wand and a rabbit - a bunny. I'm wearing white gloves. The implication is that I'm a magician without the k. [In the sense that I am playing dress-up as a magician rather than actually being one – LARPing.]

I have a baton, you know, like a wand, but with a ball on the top, and I'm throwing it in the air. Very carefree, walking up over the horizon in the field and walking away from where the forest would be,  back up the hill, but to the other side of where The Bride, The Woman was.

And then just a feeling I've gone into like a different wood, a darker wood, and it's coming towards me more than I'm going into it. That I'm stationary, but it's moving past me. Deep into a tunnel of trees. There's a mist. It's quite dark.

There's a hooded figure [lurking] in the shadows. He's got a staff and dark green hood. I can't see his face. His head is down. He's not showing me his face.

I follow; he's turned around. He's walking away. The staff seems to have turned into a lantern, [though it's] still on the top of his stick.

It's very misty. It's very deep into the forest.

There's a pool of not quite water - mist or smoke. But it's also water because it's splashing up against the sides of some rocks. And there's a tide that's going up and down, but the tide is very severe. It goes up, and it goes completely drained into a sinkhole and then comes back.

But it's also, almost like a ghost, with a sheet over its head. But this doesn't feel silly - not like Scooby Doo, even though that's kind of what it looks like. And The Ghost is rising up and down almost like it's doing a dance. And it's the mist, and it's the water. It's going up and down. I'm [now] looking at it from walking around. I'm looking at it almost from now from the back,

Now we're leaving that and walking further away. It's dark again. We have to push away branches. There's an orange, amber lit up stone, with a huge condom over it. And then a vaginal opening out of the forest into daylight that we're heading towards. It's closing over and it has turned into a reptile eye – a humanoid reptile eye, like the Visitors from [TV Show] "V" kind of thing.

And it's just this eye.

The guy in the forest, he's saying he's Mercury. He won't show me his face, even after he changes into Mercury. I can only see him from the back. He's walking away from me, or staying ahead of me. But he wants me to know who he is but not to see his real true face. He's hiding his true face, so he's presenting as Mercury.

He says "That's it. You got it!"

A finger pointing at me.

Now everything's gone into slow motion, and he's kind of jumping over a small hill or mound. It's like "The Fool on the Hill", the Beatles video, where Paul McCartney is doing that. That's what it's reminding me of. That sort of slow motion [jump].

The Fool!

And I'm standing there, my hands on my hips, gyrating or dancing a bit.

"You are the fool."

There's this kind of a dance and then at the end like: "dudududu duu… you are the fool!" There is a Bowie quality [Ziggy Stardust in particular], I suppose, to it, but I think that's more because that's what's on my mind rather than that's what it actually is. That I've put that shape on it. [I think it would be best described as being of "Trickster" quality].

It bends over and continues to point at a small treasure chest in the ground. It's half buried in the mud with twigs around it.

I open it, and there's an egg inside it, a white egg that I crush with my left hand. And then there's an old woman. A photo of an old woman that someone I know, but I don't know her. [Like, someone I did once know but had forgotten or was made to forget, and the crushing of this egg allows me to remember her once again.]

That's it. That was quite strange.
