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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it.

Here's my Number 22- LIN!


So, a huge big Hindu blue God - Shiva, holding out his right hand for me to go into a wormhole So I am going down this tunnel. It's blue, smokey. It's quite bendy.

It's the desert again, Shiva is still here, and there's a contrast between his blue skin and the orange of the desert. It's nighttime. Its sun has set.

Seems to be a Dragon here as well, like a Chinese dragon, in the sand.

And a huge insect like a fly, huge!

[Shiva] motion's again to walk towards the sun. The Dragon is coming, and he's quite weak. Maybe sick. He's using his wings to walk.

I ask, where are we going? He just says, " you'll see".

There are telephone poles flying past. Then we just keep walking towards the sun. The night skies full of stars

So it's like the desert was on the disc, like a flat Earth disc, and now we're out in space. We're up higher anyway. There's some sense of ground beneath us, but it's more mountainy and rocky. And dark. It's a lot later at night, and the sun is more or less gone.

We're floating flying above. There's a road below, and there's a car on it. It's an old car, kind of like a beetle, but an older car. I don't know what cars are, but, like a car from the forties. Mafia car type thing,

There's a guy with a gun that's just got out, but the car keeps speeding off. And we're following the car. That's on this road through mountains.

The Dragon flies in, and he's trying to get close to the car or attack the car. And there's the light on, on the inside of the car, which is strange, driving with the light on inside.

The Dragon, knocks the car off the road, and he flies up, does a loop the loop. Comes back down at the car, and he has his wings spread. It's trying to intimidate or be really impressive, or scary. The cars rolling through a field.

The Dragon comes down is a bit more like a Phoenix or something than a dragon. Now it's like, he looks wrong. It looks like if you tried to make a bird and it went wrong. His beak looks like a party hat, a golden party hat.

So, I'm standing looking at the car. I'm wearing a suit and a black hat, like a Man In Black. I'm just standing, looking at the car, and I can see its headlights out in front. It's on its side, close to a ditch. There is a very dark tree beside it.

The Dragon is turned into an angel. He says his name is Gabriel. He's talking to the guys in the car, and he's pointing at me, but I can't hear what he's saying, but he's like very forceful and like he's doing this on my behalf or, he's angry at them because of something that did to me. But I'm not sure.

Then he puts something towards me, like in my eyes, like some sort of dust, I suppose, like Sandman's dust, and I'm in the atmosphere again.

Again, that vision of the wizard looking at the world, like he's looking into his crystal ball, and the Earth is glowing, a light glowing on his face. And the baby in the womb. It's orange. It's quite young. It's kind of spinning around clockwise

And there's like a satellite or a space station, or something kind of like a spinning top in orbit. Like the spinning top from inception, only more like the kids one that you push down to spin. There is a handle to push down. But again, it's like that pendulum spinning.

And then a tube-like object, grey skin coloured spinning round. But like an insect, like a larva.

I ask, is that it?

There's a skull. It's an insect skull with huge eyes. Staring right at me. It's a human skull but has huge insect eyes.

And there's a [Man] holding a metal heart between two hands. Between the fingers of both his hands. Down in front of his chest, his belly, over his pelvis.

And then he throws it away. Over my left shoulder

That's this,




Very much enjoying these Tommie. Also enjoying how half the aethyrs are named after people you might meet in a dodgy south London pub: Des, Nia, Lin, Lea, Zax, Maz and Lil