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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it.

Here's is Number 23- TOR!


It's a beach at night. It's a black beach, with a lot of black stones. There is a woman with blonde hair, but I can't see her face. She's covered in a black cloak. I'm walking around her. She's putting her hands up by her sides. The cloak is blowing in the wind and she has like, like a white an all in one thing, like gymnasts wear. [A Leotard]

She seems to be doing some sort of movements, almost like a dance, but more like ritualistic movement. And in the night sky, there are stars and there are lines joining them together as she's doing these movements. The lines are orange.

And she drags me and puts me in her heart - quite forcibly!

And I'm in space. I'm just floating there. I can see the Earth. And she's making a moment, and she's telling me she's NUIT. Everything is quite dark.

I see a tank on a battlefield. It's reversing. There's like the guy sitting in the turret and he's pointing to go forward, but whoever's driving is going backwards.

There's a lot of soldiers, and they're all weary and beaten, but they're really angry and very, quite fierce. They're not gonna take this anymore. And it's obviously scared the tank driver.

A whole line of them. It feels like it's more kind of World War II / World War I kind of dress, but yeah, there are soldiers doing the Nazi salute.

So the tank, the guy has a brown bomber jacket on. Like, I think the tank's American and the soldiers are nazi. And they're walking forward with their hands up, doing the Nazi salutes at the tank, pushing it back. And they're starting to run, and then they all turn into a wave on the shore.

I'm back on the beach.

Not much is happening. I think that's it. It was quite brief.

At least I won't have much to transcribe




Definitely not as intense as your scrying of UTI. I wonder if you would have you would have a similar experience if you went back to UTI. Or is there no going back? I really need to read LMD's vision magick book.


You can go back and re-do Aethyrs, but I'm not sure if you have to re-do the whole sequence or not. I'll look it up.