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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it.

Here's is Number 24- NIA!


So, just towards the end of that, I was sitting in a forest crosslegged, beside it like a camp file, and it was spinning around clockwise. Like, the camera's going around me clockwise. But ahead of me now, the trees have open up and there is a pyramid in the distance.

So I stand up and it's, like that famous painting of the guy in the edge of the cliff. (Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich). And I'm on a high place above a huge forest. It's very dark, the forest, but it's not nighttime.

It's almost like this, the rock I am on is floating. I'm high enough that I can see the horizon on all sides. The rock seems to be moving forward. I assume north, but I dunno,

The pyramid is made of glass with steel frame, like the one outside the Louvre. It's huge, but I'm travelling over it.

A huge statue of Shiva coming out of the cloud. It's blue. Maybe it's not a statue. He's huge, and he's beckoning me to keep going. He has a staff in his hand, which is gold with a red gem at the top.

So I'm still in this rock moving, although I've sat down crosslegged again.

Okay. The sun is at five o'clock behind me, and it's either setting, or I think it's rising. So I'm not exactly going northwards, I suppose.

Other rocks with people, but they're going in the opposite direction.

And there's a starfish, but it's a plant and it's got teeth. And I'm back down in the forest beside a swamp.]It's kind of a bit like the Empire Strikes Back forest.

And there's a Wolf-man, like Splinter from the Turtles only a Wolf. And he's pointing to tell me to go further into the swamp. There's like an opening. And he's following behind.

I ask him what his name is. He says, Darius.

And I ask him, what is he or who is he? And he says, he's the Protector.

He's a bit annoyed with me asking questions. He's just telling me to move forward.

Going through a circular opening in the trees. Have to brush stuff outta my way. There is a kind of a feel of like that Empire Strikes Back, just that it's some sort of Master and Apprentice- Padawan thing, only it's a yacht that's in the swamp, not a whatever it is, that plane that Luke had.

It's like a toy yacht. The Wolf dude is pointing at it. So I take it outta the water, and I'm looking at it. It's a light on the top of it.

I ask him what is it for? He says, don't you know?

So I just look at it again. I say is it for carrying things? He says, no, its for travelling.

So, I put it back in the water, and it has an engine so it's travelling down the stream- the swamp water. I'm following it with my mind's eye.

Now I'm flying above the forest, and it's like a line attached to me to the yatch. And I have wings, but it's not wings. It's clot that's attached to my arms and then to my legs, like a gliding suit.

I touch down beside some rocks. And the boat's on the shore or on the side of the river. And there's a tunnel. It's a very circular tunnel, like manmade tunnel sewage, but it's too big. Maybe a train tunnel.

And oh, I being pulled into it

F like a bit like a barrel of a gun. And then the radioactive sign is there.

It gets very, very dark, and the whole feel has changed. Everything feels quite closed in. Very, very different.

The Wolfman thing is here as well. Darius, he lights a match, but puts it out. He just wanted to let me know he was there.

I look behind me, and the entrance is closing in.

There is a guy here in a white robe with a bowl. There's some water, and I'm in a cavern. There's some water. Another guy is playing a steel drum or some sort of instrument like that.

There is a whole kind of sense that I got before, that's like, is this what you're looking for? Is this what you're expecting? Like it's been done because this is what I think it should be. And there's a big hand pointing at me now and a woman dancing.

It's like a show.

So I say, no, I want to see the real thing then.

There are two people. Well, there's a man kissing a woman, but it's like, it's damaging the woman. He's got a hood. It's it's very strange. He's looking at me. He's some sort of demon ghoul. He's no eyes. Some sort of vampire-type thing.

There's a gray alien.

Then a black sun.

Something faint moving, like in the wind.

And again, the baby in the womb.

Loads of random people.

Pregnant woman with white hair. Pure black skin.

And then hands make a square.]

It's just loads of random shapes and things blending into each other. None of it really makes any sense or can really describe any of.

It's like things forming out of, I don't know, some sort of goo of primordial cloud or liquid or something, and it's just, things are very random and, you know, fleeting.

Have no sense to them, just like random thoughts.

Yeah, I think that's it.



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