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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it. Here's is Number 29 - RII

Suddenly got quite nervous. It's quite warm. Very faint movement. Very slow. Just like gentle waves. Just coming into the shore really gentle.

Hand print in mud.

Lots of like skulls or kind of the sense of death but in a, like a morbid way, a bad way, not in a peaceful way.

Baby in the womb, again.An angel in silhouette, but again, it's this sense of not good. The Fetus again, moving around, but its pulled back, you can see it's all body rather than just it's head.

Spinning around clockwise. The images are an awful lot fainter this time as if like they're there, but it's as if the screen that I'm looking through is much darker.

A big black hole that turning into a huge eye… It's pulsating.

There's like a lot of, kind of gray aliens, but they're turning away.

It's like something looks a bit like a Mothman. Like they're all quite creepy and ghoulish and stuff, but I'm not scared of them. And I don't think they're trying to make me scared, but they are scary things, Unpleasant things. That's probably by their nature.

Okay. They’re coming on faster now.

It's like a series of demons, like things on thrones. Like a king, but he's like wilting away or everything is upside down. This king keeps coming like the same things playing over and over again. He's in his crown he's bowing -or in his throne and bowing his head down. But as if he's weak,

I'm in a tunnel or a well, and there's people looking down at me from above spinning around as well, everything's going clockwise. So each thing is repeating and each time repeats kind of degrades or warps.

Everyone's going now from center down to the right.

It's just the same, as if from at the bottom of the well, and there's people at the top of the well, but it's like warping in and out and spinning around. And as if it's like, I dunno, the same film being played over and over again and losing quality or something.

Yeah. Everything's from the center to the bottom.

There's a bird here. He's like to protect them. We're back to the ghoulish faces.

Water. A still kind of lake.

Okay. Everything seems have stopped. Okay. That that's it. I know, probably not the time, but that's it.




It’s a very good read ( I don’t generally read the transcripts ) Wow