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Myself and Spud are going to scry through all 30 of the Enochian Aethyrs over the next while. It'll probably take about a year given the availability, or lack thereof, of time to do it. But at least we have started. The audio the unedited recording and below is the transcript, which is mostly unedited other than I took out the million "kinda"s from it.


Big circles coming in from the sides. Pulsating. It's getting darker and darker.

A monkey skull.

Just lots of movement coming in from both sides. Like waves. One of those pestle and mortar bowls for grinding herbs. A lizard's eye, moving about.

A face.

A rabbit.

Church on the hill.

Door opening. The room I'm in is dark, and there's light outside the room,

A large black object kind of floating fast across the sky.

Everything is kind of pulsing! All the images. It's like, they're not static. They're going and out, or moving across, getting smaller and bigger.

It's like ink being put into water or someone diving into water, but you can't see the person themselves just what's happening in the water around it.

Really fast moving clouds.

A Wolf

It's getting really, really, really cold! Shivers down the back of my neck, but it's not uncomfortable. There's a tightness in the front. It's really fucking cold. I can feel it. I can hear a background hiss.

There's a man; he's bald.

A lot of movement. I can't capture all of these. There's a lot going on.

A man with a watering can or a petrol canister! An old man.

A man with a gun - a soldier! A lot of armour, all walking.

All of the things are coming from the right-hand side, going to the left

White steam.

A lizard, snake face with weird eyes.

Clouds. A rocket.

Everything's now moving from the top to the bottom.

People Praying.

I'm very tense, I just realized. Trying to relax.

One of those Venetian masks, or like a plague mask, but, but not the original, its a fancy dress costume version.

Some sort of eye. Face - the statues Easter Island, actually!

Everything's going from left to backward, like over and over

Tunnel cave. Circular.

Shadows walking in the distance. Can't really make it, everything feels like a shadow or as if it's being reflected in water, all of the things. Which would account for the movement, I suppose.

Clouds - watery clouds.

Another face.

Tensed up again.

It's not as cold now.

There's a guy hitting himself repeatedly in the face.

Feel a sense of calm. I felt like I was kind of forcing this, but it's...

Koala bear!

A fetus.

Things are starting to move away from me up from the bottom up

Two people talking. One's a bit like a witch on a broom, but they could be playing chess or playing something!

A cat. Lots of the kind of shapes that very quickly change.

Something really fast. Like a helicopter that turned into a hare. Like the animal.


Two small submarines with a big light, like a one-man submarine. A huge fucking bear. UFO spraying something.

Seal, like a sea lion, that turns into a grey alien. Then hands touching -an alien hand and a human hand, touching like the creation scene from Michelangelo's Sistine chapel.

Lots of stormy clouds moving around.

Everything's going from right to left now, moving across.

A woman trying to put her mouth around the top of a teapot.,

Someone breastfeeding – but its adults. Lots of different shapes. Nothing that really is forming into anything I can recognize.

Moving in a clockwise motion. A finger pointing into a cloud.

Lots and lots of movements. I have to follow it round. It's going anticlockwise now up to the top. It's very hard to keep up with it.

It seems to be it, though. It's stopped now.

The images are still there, but they're fading away.

There's a black silhouette with his arms outstretched stretch. But like, as he's looking for help, in front of him.

So everything seems to be appearing and then shrinking. And then moving away to the right.

Shapes are less formed or less distinct.





I first listened to this last night as I was in bed and starting to fall asleep and there's something to be said for having someone describe hypnagogic style visions as you yourself fall into hypnagogia. But can I ask what you did apart from the 19th call to kick this off? How did you feel when you came out of the session? And I saw from social media posts that you used an eye mask. Did you feel that helped? And finally I'm taking away several visual images from this but mainly: A woman trying to put her mouth around the top of a teapot. Someone breastfeeding , but it's adults. A finger pointing into a cloud. Thanks for everything you do Tommie. Take care x.


Just did a banishing, lit some incense and a candle and Spud did the call for me. When I was finished I did the call for him. His session was much more of a narrative than my random stuff. Afterwards we went straight into recording TaSTA so I didn't really have much time to feel anything. 😁