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Lets do another Ask Me Anything vlogs. Any topic with reason is fair game. Ask your questions, or give me  suggestions for topics below, over on discord, or PM me. Aim to get questions in before Wednesday evening!

(And note, as this often confuses people - this ISN'T the monthly divinations vlog, its the Q+A vlog :) )




"Al Dao asks, 'Can you recommend a good source of shadow work?'" :)


Why do you think that when communicating with any disincarnate entities that it is difficult to have straightforward simple communication rather than messages filled with symbolic imagery and cryptic phrases? (And why they seem to have no trouble calling us idiots in plain english)


What do you think about the whole nature vs. city environments for working magic/making a connection? Why is nature seen as magical and city seen as the anethisis of it?