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Often in life there are bad times. We should aim to accept for what they are,  and not run away from them, or pretend they aren't happening. Part of being alive means hardship - its a package deal.

So today, this reading suggests that you stand your ground with things that are causing you stress or hardship, and aim to bear it, to stay with it, to endure it - knowing that it's part of the process and won't last forever.

And know that you are not alone.




Three weeks ago I was in a car wreck that totaled my car and broke my leg - This reading resonates deeply. The day before, I did a one card draw - the Hanged Man. As I was lying on the stretcher and getting ready to have a CT on my leg to find out why I couldn't stand, I realized I had my right foot tucked under my left leg keeping my knee slightly flexed (felt better that way) and had my hands folded on my stomach.. I started laughing because I realized, I was laying in the same position as the Hanged Man and knew this would be a hard lesson for me - learning how to have patience in the healing process, dealing with loosing my mobility (temporarily) and having to become OK with people helping me and learning that asking for helps isnt weakness. It has been hard to endure, but I have found my magick has grown in just a few weeks. Thank you for posting this - it is a reminder that I am not alone and being alive, right here- right now, is a hardship and I have to hold on and endure this in order to heal.