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Lets do another Q+A / Ask Me Anything vlogs. I'll be recording it on  Thursday so you have a few days to get your questions or suggestions  in. Any topic with reason is fair game. Ask your questions, or give me  suggestions for topics below, over on discord, or PM me

(And note, as this often confuses people - this ISN'T the monthly divinations vlog, its the Q+A vlog :) )




From an occult perspective, which parts of the body would you recommend to paint the sigils of the Forty Servants there with a suitable marker (colored or invisible with a UV marker) to wear them on the body for a while. Is it a good idea at all?


What are your thoughts around magick as a profession? Systems such as A'A' prohibit practitioners from charging for their services. In Tibetan Buddhism, money changes hands often. What benefits and what risks arise from introducing payments? Would you consider yourself a professional magickian?


If you’re using a Servant for a long-term/ongoing use, do you thank or reward them periodically throughout? Like there’s not necessarily a known or pre-determined “endpoint” for what I’m asking them to do, so I feel I have to keep checking in. What I’ve done is every couple of weeks, or whenever something has happened that I could attribute to their work, I will make an offering, and then ask them to keep working in the same vein. Is that reasonable and if so what kind of a schedule would be best? As usual, I am almost certainly overthinking this. Thanks :) And I apologize if this info is available somewhere - I haven’t been able to find it.


Do you have any recommendations for a person who feels that their magical path has stalled out?