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So, the day and hour has come for the new versions of The Four Devils to be released into the world.

The first batch of prints are all ready to go, and I have to say these are probably the best looking prints I have done in a long while - I spent a lot of time calibrating, cleaning, and generally shouting at my printer to get them to look just how I wanted them, and I have to say I am very happy.

I am really happy with the new artwork, and I finally feel I have bonded properly with the Devils, so I really hope you all like the new art! But no worries if not, the old art is alwats still available.

The secret Patron only store page (until Thursday when they'll go on full release) is available here:

And you'll need this magic phrase to enter: MyPatronsAreAmazing

Expect a new Four Devils vlog/ video this Thursday, along with an updated Four Devils Page over on AIWW.

Thanks all, and be well!

