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Leave your feedback and experiences below - or just mark it as "DONE" when you have done the ritual for the day.

Full instructions here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56098939/
For handiness sake, here is the prayer:

Oh, great Servant The Saint,
Take my prayers on as your own
and whisper them into the ears of the great powers.
If my prayers become yours I know that they will be heard.
This is my request...

I also ask you, great Saint,
To hear and carry the requests of the group,
May their prayers be heard too.




Can't post pictures here? huh. Interesting. First time I got two side altars going... one for the Days of the Saint, one for The Long September. Never said so many prayers in one sitting. Two decades.


You can post the pictures in the thread over on the discord, if thats any use to you.