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Ok, lets do this! Leave your succinct and not too personal questions below and I will pull a card from the deck for you and give my interpretation of it. I'll probably do the video on Wednesday morning Irish time, so you have until then to get your questions in!



I’ve been studying in a magick school for over a year now. Should I continued on this path or leave it and do something else?


I started a bunch of different courses and I'm interested in so many paths and practices, it became overwhelming and hard to keep up with all these interests. 😅 What is essential for my spiritual growth out of all these studies and practices?


What should I keep in mind this month?


Will there be any bad family drama later on this summer when we have a family gathering?


What's the best current focus for me in building my career and financial stability?


What is the key to my success to complete my juice fast?


I just moved to be near my daughters a few days ago. I’m currently unemployed, and relying on relatives for housing and transportation. What are my prospects for gaining employment and independence in the next month?


How can I best support and promote these recent good turns of fortune?


Tell me something about the path I've been drifting towards.


Is the fluttery, attracted, interest in this person, reciprocal on his part?


On what should I focus, when being depressed, so that I dont lose myself in negative thoughts and can continue in faith and power?