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What good stuff is happening out  there? What good things are happening to you? Post links to your  creativity! Post any art/ crafts/ books you've written etc that you are  selling! Link your blogs or YouTube Channels! All good news welcome!   

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/scarroll99/5599034555/in/photostream/   Photographer: https://www.flickr.com/photos/scarroll99/




Loads of people on Facebook are growing stuff during lockdown, never seen so many photos of plants popping out of the soil. I myself have Red Russian Kale and Purple Sprouting Broccoli, doing great. Social media is highly active and old friends are still getting in touch. Even one I fell out with had a good chat with me last night. My favourite ever bands are actively engaging their fans (me included) with real warmth. I'm not drinking every night and have better dream recall (non-existent before), even bad dreams have value. I'm inspired to focus on development... Wim Hof showers and breathing, Hygromantia prayers using the Portals of Chaos, frankincense and music from Youtube (damn the adverts) and Insight Timer, devling into my birthchart again, drawing significant dreams and writing up significant woo events. Others are feeding off this inspiration, a friend is joining me in the prayers and astrology. Work have been giving me special leave so I still get paid. It's sunny and the howling wind has calmed. Happy Friday!