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So, I said that we would turn the Study Group into a deep dive on The Forty Servants and I have been busy behind the scenes working out what we'll be doing. I have some stuff that I definitely want to cover but I also want it to grow organically and see what pops up too - so everything is quite lose.

I was going to start it Jan 1st - but man, we all probably have enough going on then and it would be all too easy to fail at one resolution and dump them all. So I'm thinking mid-January is a better time to start.

As with all the Study Group stuff this will be available to Patrons Level 2 and above. But there will still be the monthly readings available for Tier one people!

And to start we will be doing a Forty Day Ritual - similar to the Intro ritual only its backwards and the approach will be different. Its aimed at coming to the Servants with fresh eyes - so long time users will get as much as new users out of it.

After that I have stuff around "Bind" Servants (ie combing servants like you combine Runes), creating "teams", More on Divination, The MAP MAGIC from the grimoire is very overlooked  so we'll go back to that, and an Idea I am stealing from BOTA in that we should all create our own version of the deck (well, you will - I already created my version :P )

So, that's the plan for the Study Group for the next year. If it runs out of steam before the whole year is up, so be it, we'll do something else, likewise if it seems to want to last more than a year that's all good too.

In the meantime, post any ideas you have about what we could cover over the year below, or any unique approaches you use or what have you!




Looking forward to it!