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So, I aim to make at least one Podcast/ Video a week and I thought that if i got into a sort of routine for them it would make doing extra videos that bit easier as my time management (in theory) would be better. So, so far my line up per month is:

1 Vlog - This would be basically whats going on with me, what sort of stuff I am thinking about and that sort of thing. General chat video

2 Forty Servants Readings - One card readings for Patrons

3 General Magick video - Sort tips and tricks, ideas, methods etc

4 Art - Vague as yet, but something art related - possibly Work In progresses, tutorials, and/ or discussions.

And if I get to them then we could have occasional ones on:
- book reviews
- Non Forty Servants Divinations (Bibliomancy is always fun)
- Visit Interesting magicy type places.

Any ideas?

NOW, for The Study Group.

Anyone interested in doing a deep dive into The Forty Servants? A bit like what we did a few times in the Facebook group, and I suppose with the Video series, but this time we'd do "advanced" stuff such as "Bind" Servants, Journeying, Playing with them as Egregores (I know, I know...but I have an idea round this).

This would be about a year in length and would be called "The Forty Servants Study Group" and I'd be aiming to start in January.

Other option is doing books but everyone reads them by themselves. Experience has shown me that this is really hard to keep up as people just drop out and it ends up with just me, or just me and the cat reading the book :D

If we do go down that route I like the idea of doing Daniel Ingram's book as he gives away a free version on his site, there is already a free audio-book and we could incorporate some meditation practice into it.

Anyway, let me know all your thoughts, and any other ideas you have for the Patreon. Remember  - cue cheesy voice over - this is your Patreon too!

Next year I will be really pushing the ART element of the whole Chaos Magick and Art tagline. Well, that's the plan anyway, though I am very aware of how that may not actually be my choice.




A Forty Servants study group sounds great, the art related videos as well, you mentioned you have a new idea for a comic, so maybe some "in progress" things about that? I mean I don't know what are you planning to do with that but it would be interesting. :D


Well, the comic will also be a long term project, so there will be plenty of In Progress stuff here. And I will probably post pages as I finish them - and they'll only be shown here until its released. That'll be starting soon. Just have to but a few other things to be first.


I really enjoy #1 and #2. I like the idea of #3 and always like to see what you're working on in #4. These are all great and I'm interested. I'm very interested in the deep dive of the Forty Servants, but I'm always hesitant to join a group with a large or long term commitment as I suck at keeping up with them and don't want my lack of discipline to negatively impact others in a group. Would this be a similar set up as The Journey where you do one area at a time progressively? Or would it be something that could be stopped and picked up as time allows?


Oh it'll be something can could be done whenever. But just to note, you can totally do The Journey at your own time and pace too. Many people have.