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So, today as I post this, is the Feast Day of Saint Cyprian of Carthage which we will use to get ourselves together to start the group ritual proper tomorrow. 

Basically it's a Novena with a big feast day at the end.

Each day of the Novena we will make offerings to THE SAINT and ask him to intercede on our behalf.  

On his feast day we will make offerings for him alone, for his pleasure/fame/sustenance etc.

So, today we are going to think about one specific thing we want to occur in our own individual lives. This could be anything from a healing, to increased sales, removal of some sort of burden, increased skill in magick, an new insight, new love, or whatever you want.

Then starting tomorrow (17th Sept) we are going to petition THE SAINT via a nine day ritual (Novena) to intercede on our behalf by bringing our requests to the highest powers available - those who are  most suited to granting it, or making it manifest.

The idea here is that THE SAINT has a much better reputation with the higher or greater beings (spirits/gods/ideas/energies etc.) than we have, and therefore has way more clout, and his requests/prayers are much more likely to be heard than ours.

So, we tell him what we want, and then he goes and asks the big guns to make it happen.

In return we will celebrate his name, and make a feast for him on his feast day (September 26th).

For the nine days of the Novena (17th to 25th) make an offering to THE SAINT, say the prayer below and then succinctly make your request. Then at the end ask that all the prayers of the group are heard and made manifest.

I am a visual guy, so I will also be adding in a visual component to this. I will see myself entering THE SAINT'S Church (see drawings below) and "astrally" making my offerings in the real world and at the same time in the astral world. If this is something you think you'd like, go for it, but don't get too hung up on it if you aren't into it. Do what works best for you.


Oh, great Servant The Saint,
Take my prayers on as your own
and whisper them into the ears of the great powers.
If my prayers become yours I know that they will be heard.
This is my request...

I also ask you, great Saint,
To hear and carry the requests of the group,
May their prayers be heard too.


For the novena I will be making offerings of Rum and Tea Light candles. I will fill a shot glass of rum per day, emptying it out on the grass first thing in the morning before replacing it with fresh rum. I will burn one tea light per day fully.

But go with what feels best to you.

The final day (26th Sept) is where you make a big deal out of THE SAINT. Make a big offering on this day. I will be going with a candle in bread (a traditional offering) along with public thanks (increasing his fame). I will also make an extra plate of food for dinner and invite him to sit and enjoy a feast in his name.

Again, do something that you feel appropriate as long as it feels "big" and "festive".

And that's about it. I will make a small daily post here each day of the Novena where you can talk about anything cool that happens along the way for you - or just say "DONE".

Good Luck!




Quick question here. I am in the middle of my introduction ritual, but really would like to participate in this. What would you recommend for a course of action? Finish the introduction ritual and participate in the Days of the Saint next year, take a break from the introduction ritual until The Days of the Saint is complete, or perform both concurrently? Thank you, Lisa


Eh... really depends on your own feelings. Go with your own gut. (But if it was me, I'd take a break and do the days and then return to the intro ritual when days was over - but your call)


Thank you. That's what my gut was telling me to do, but I just wasn't sure. Overthinkers...


This might be the one instance in which I would say it was ok to "interrupt" the initiation ritual. Here's the thing, though... don't miss a day. The initiation ritual is an ordeal. You may be taking a sidestep on that road by doing Days of the Saint, but you are still in that ordeal. So keep it all going... do your 9 days, but go right back to the initiation at the completion. Good luck.


I'm gonna do it.