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 DAY THREE! Hope you are all enjoying it!

"So, I am getting back into a regular meditation practice starting today, and thought I'd open it up for everyone to join if they so desired - A kickstart for all of us who feel off the meditation wagon.

To ease us all in gently I propose we do 10 Minutes a day for 10 days and see how that goes. After that we can all go our own separate ways and pretend none of this happened (or ya know, continue with our individual practice - whatever works best).

I will be using Mr Wylde's Metronome that I posted in the Study Group on Patreon, but you should feel free to do whatever practice suits you best.  When you have your practice done, just comment done below and a brief description of your experience if you feel drawn to do so. "




Day 3 - Done - kept nearly nodding off.


Day 472, check.