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NOTE: Robbie will be  reprising The Balancer ritual from.last week. Live at 8pm Eastern (-4 UTC).  over on the Discord https://discord.gg/ngt5ZNF Please join if you can.   This is open to everyone on Discord!
At any time within the 24 hours of Wednesday 10th of April in your timezone, try to find somewhere quiet, on  your own if possible and enter a meditative state and begin to visualize  your journey to the astral temple.
You arrive at the bottom of the pathway to the temple, and walk your way up until you reach the big round door, which  will automatically open for you.  Inside there is always enough space of all who wish to participate.
The Healing / Group Connection  symbol is on the  floor in black. The night sky and full moon can be seen  through the  window above. It is always night time when you arrive no  matter what  time it really is in your location.   
Evoke THE BALANCER, seeing the night turn to day above you, and ask for his help in the ritual to BALANCE you and the entire group from whatever is holding you back.  Aim  to connect with the  rest of the group.  See the rest of the group standing in a circle  around the symbol on the floor. When you feel you have that  established  begin to send out  BALANCE  energy to all. Do this in  whatever way  feels natural to you - may that be a white light, a feeling  of heat,  seeing people smiling or what have you.  
After a minute,  lie or  sit down and allow yourself to receive the  BALANCE  ENERGY from others.  You can  then channel this energy into whatever area of your life needs PEACE  - physical, financial, emotional, or even to someone else.  
At the end,  walk out of the temple and the door will close behind you.  
Optional:  There is  a Garden behind the Temple. It is the  exact opposite side of the building from the door - so, like at the back  of the temple. In this garden you can place long term or on going  sigils/ intentions or what have you, to grow and manifest. See them as a  seed that you are planting, and make the whole thing feel as much as a  magickal act as you can - add in light coming out of your hands, or blow  energy into it etc. Then every week come and water it or add more  energy!  When you are finished, walk down the path and then aim to  disconnect from the group and the ritual. Clapping  hands is good to  end, as is saying something like "And it is complete" -  anything really  that marks it as an ending.  
Leave a comment below to say you  did it. Just saying "DONE" is cool, but please feel free to share any  experiences that happened to you.  
CONNECTING / HEALING SYMBOL:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/group-ritual-20431817
ASTRAL TEMPLE:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/group-ritual-20604983
GENERAL POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/tommiekelly/posts?tag=Group%20Ritual 




Done. V clear daylight. And a gift from a stranger, a black onyx like stone.