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So, I have an idea for a group ritual that hopefully you good people will be interested in. In a nutshell the idea is that we all come up with a Sigilf or something we want. Then I will make up a poster of all the sigils and post it here. We will all print it out, activate it whatever we we choose or normal do and then put it somewhere in our lives/  house/ office that will not be  front and centre but a constant sort of background hum.

Then we post on the thread when the sigil manifest.

One rule - sigils must be for one specific thing that will happen by the end of the year - not any sort of ongoing magick or long term goal. You must have a very definte one time out come. Why? Cleaner and safer - we don't want other people's sigils knocking around ourlives for years.


If so, let's give us all a week to get our sigils together. Then email me hello@tommiekelly.com with your sigil and I'll put the poster together. No one needs to knwo what your sigil is for.