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So, lets try this again. Any questions, themes, ponderings for me and I will try my best to talk about them in an upcoming podcast. Leave your questions here or PM/email me.




I really liked your idea of drawing a demon to represent your problems and annoyances that seem to always pop up. How do you reconcile that with your work relating to avoiding a victim mentality? Is there a line you won't cross or a rule you follow in that practice to keep the one from feeding into the other?


Good question. As I am not sure if enough questions will come in to do a full audio version I'll give you a quick answer now and then maybe talk more about it later on the podcast. Well, in this case I thread the line very closely in that as much as I love to play the victim, that doesn't mean that there aren't factors working against you. So, the game is to be aware of playing the victim but not move too much into blaming myself for ALL THE THINGS.


Also, depersonalising the situation is a good trick to be able to give yourself some distance and objectivity from your own behaviour. Label it a demon to categorises it and then work on ending the loop might be sometimes easier than just telling yourself to stop being an idiot.