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Some thoughts on how there may be some dangers to the Chaos Magick Theory and on why I will probably never be on TV debating people.

Having just listened back to this, i seem to be quite nervous and disjointed sounding on this one.  The hope was that I get better at these things rather the worse... :/




Good episode. These are things I've considered myself, but not put so succinctly as you have. I tend, anymore, to keep my spiritual work to myself due to not wanting to debate with people, as I don't have any more desire, these days, to justify it to anyone, even fellow magicians. Even in the concept of Chaos Magick, I tend to think of myself as "grey" more than any specific path. It's all more of spiritual psychology, and trying to reflect the world I'd like to see, and sort of trying to generate a locus of betterment from within:)


I reckon a lot of the issue here is boxes and labels - or trying to have one set of rules for all eventualities. But that just such a human thing to do. Like I totally get the grey thing, but isn't that just another box within a box? That's why I am really beginning to feel weird and dumb saying magician or chaos magician or whatever. It's almost like - "Whatever it is I can call myself - I'm not that" or some other bastardisation of that Morrison saying :)


I have come to the conclusion that labels are tools. They can be used or discarded, but like any useful tool, don't take them, or a useful belief in them, for granted. They can reinforce or break, stabilize or alter, but ultimately WE decide that.