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2nd out of the planned three tentacle pit things. Raven was the winner of that poll so she is now getting the spoo.

I was going to do a personal choice for the last one but I know plenty of people would like to see something Brawl-related so I will probably set up a poll here to see who should get the tentaclization.




Im hoping for bea/amber 👀


This looks fantastic Roxley! <3 Also if you're wanting to draw some specfically for this scenario then do that, you should enjoy the art you make after all, and putting characters into situations you want to is what makes being an artist fun!


Very true :). Gotta make something to make yourself happy once in a while!


Sounds kinda strange, but a big part of the enjoyment I get from art is knowing the artist is having fun making it.


I feel the same way when I do trades with people. I much prefer to see them do their own thing as opposed to give them too many details. It's fun just to see what people come up with!


Teen Titans gave me my early years boners.