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Всім привіт! Вибачаюсь, що від мене давно нічого не було чути. Я почала роботу над новим проектом, а потім, як тільки на вулиці стало холодно, схопила якусь застуду.  Я вже хотіла оголосили про наступний проект, але через деякі не дуже приємні новини зараз думаю чи варто продовжувати працювати над ним. А тому хочу запитати вашу думку.

Отож, я запланувала наступним проектом пісню "Down by the River" з гри "Брама Балдура 3". Враховуючи, що ця величезна та популярна гра отримала українську локалізацію, здавалося дуже доречним перекласти українською цю прекрасну пісню. Проте буквально декілька днів тому я дізналась, що розробники Larian Studios, на жаль, співпрацювали і досі співпрацюють з російською компанією, яка займається портуванням та оптимізацією "Брами Балдура 3". А тому вже не знаю, чи варто продовжувати працювати над цією піснею, чи ні. Пісня мені дуже подобається, і вже частинка роботи зроблена. Проте я знаю, що для багатьох новини про Larian стали розчаруванням, і я не знаю наскільки доречно буде випускати пісню. Тому я вирішила тут зробити опитування, щоб почути вашу думку – робити чи ні?

Hello everyone! I'm sorry you haven't heard from me in a while. I started working on a new project, and then, as soon as it got cold outside, I caught cold. I was about to announce the next project but due to some not-so-pleasant news, I'm now wondering if I should continue working on it. And that's why I want to ask your opinion.

So, the next project I planned was the song "Down by the River" from the game "Baldur's Gate 3". Considering that this huge and popular game got Ukrainian localization, it seemed super relevant to translate this beautiful song into Ukrainian. However, just a few days ago, I learned that Larian Studios, the game developers, unfortunately, cooperated and are still cooperating with a Russian company that is engaged in porting and optimizing "Baldur's Gate 3". And that's why I don't know if I should continue working on this song or not. I really like the song, and part of the work is already done. However, I know that the news about Larian was a disappointment to many, and I don't know how appropriate it would be to release the song. That's why I decided to make a poll here to hear your opinion – to do it or not?



Please don't do it

James Baillie

I would very much like to hear your take on the song, I think you'd do it brilliantly and I'd love to hear your take on part of such a great game narrative - and I feel that being able to use the current popularity of BG3 to bring more people to your Ukrainian singing may do more towards raising awareness of Ukrainian culture and issues around the war in gaming communities than simply not posting the song would. However, above all that I think as others have said that it's a matter of how comfortable you are with these issues, above the views of any of those of us who aren't Ukrainian, and that's far more important than anything I'd think on the matter myself.


Frequently, doing the "right thing" is painful. But if your fellow Ukrainians would see the project as a betrayal, and there are other projects just as good with no issues, then perhaps putting the "Down by the River" project on the "back burner" for a while would be wise. You are a good person; trust in yourself to make the correct choice.