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Цього року я не встигла підготувати святкову пісню для свого каналу. Але все ж, навіть попри мій лікарняний, мені вдалося записати цю старовинну колядку у колаборації з Musetang. Сподіваюся, що вона вам сподобається так само, як і нам :)

This year, I didn't have time to make a holiday song for my channel. But still, even despite my sick leave, I managed to record this ancient carol in collaboration with Musetang. I hope you like it as much as we do :)


Колядка "Ой, як же було ізпрежди віка" (на гітарі ft. @SplendentEileen)

Мої соц. мережі і не тільки: https://linktr.ee/musetang #Eileen #Musetang



Excellent as always. Risking sticking my nose where it does not belong, it looks like you need to gain a little weight! Please do not pull a "Karen Carpenter" on us. Karen Anne Carpenter was an American singer and drummer who with her older brother Richard performed as the duo the Carpenters who were one of the biggest-selling American pop groups of all time. At the age of 32, Carpenter died of heart failure due to complications from anorexia nervosa. Please note you are a beautiful young lady today, with a very nice figure - and the same would be true with additional weight.


Don't worry, Monty, I'm ok, really :) I did lose some weight after the surgery because my diet has to be rather restricted while I'm recovering. I lost a couple of kg during the first week of recovery, and now my weight seems to be stable. But in general, I'm short and I have a rather specific constitution with my upper body part always looking slim even when I gain weight, that's why I might look much thinner than I actually am. I promise you, when I'm allowed to eat my favourite pasta and fried potatoes again, I will surely do it. In fact, I can't wait to taste all of my favourite dishes again! :)


Great. I am glad I did not offend you. Some ladies get touchy about weight comments. As long as one's weight is healthy, does not really matter what others think. That said, thinner is better than fatter most of the time from a medical perspective (I believe). In any event, God Speed to those pasta and potatoes dishes. I look forward to experiencing the works of a rejuvenated Eileen.