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Я дуже довго думала над тим, яку саме пісню я буду записувати наступною. Було багато хороших варіантів, проте, як завжди, все вирішила хвиля натхнення. Отож, наступною я планую записати пісню, яку в мене просили вже ну дуже давно – My Mother Told Me!

I thought for quite a long time about which song I would record next. There were many good options but, as always, a wave of inspiration decided everything. So, next, I plan to record a song that has been requested of me for a very long time – My Mother Told Me!




I like traditional sea songs and have sailed on tall sailing ships. The Vikings were tough dudes and their genes live on amongst many of us .The Viking history in Kyiv is remarkable.


Chudova ideya. Ya z neterpinnyam chekayu :-)